L'équipe d'alphabétisation Nouvelle-Écosse offers free activities for parents and their child(ren) ages 3-6. Each activity is offered online or in the classroom and lasts one hour. For Nova Scotia residents. Places are limited.
Our values
Encourage good family relationships
The parent as the first educator of his child
Every opportunity becomes an educational activity
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Each workshop offers educational activities...
A story for children is presented by the animator
A discovery is presented to add vocabulary and general knowledge
Infos to parents
Tips for encouraging good parenting skills at home
To promote rhythm, vocabulary and culture
Family cooking classes
- Preparation recipe - Reading of a story - Rhymes - Food advice - Information on parenting skills
Families can register at any time during the year.
My daughter is more willing to speak in French and is more comfortable at school every day. We really enjoy these workshops and plan to continue.
This program is a chance for my child to practice her oral French skills. Very helpful and very unique in Nova Scotia. She can read and excited for more.
We love your classes and Annabelle has really branched out both in speaking French and cooking! It’s wonderful to watch:) Raina is also really enjoying the class and is especially excited to sing the songs and listen to the stories, so many thanks for your hard work!